Wednesday 22 April 2009


Dear me what can I say ,today was budget day,in which Alistair Darling, outlined proposals for the worst deficit in the U.K. since the war,below are a few
UK debt to hit 79% of GDP before falling back in 2015
Britain's economy to shrink by 3.5% this year
IMF disagrees growth will return in 2010

Government to borrow £703bn in next five years

Top tax rate raised to 50% for earners above £150,000

Yes it makes scary reading but that's only the tip of the iceberg,and you can't blame Alistair for this ,the blame lays squarely with our PM Gordon Brown, who was chancellor for a decade..Labour have done it again they've managed to bankrupt the country,and they've gone back to the 70's rhetoric ,of taxing the highest,yes that really encourages entrepeneurs to stay n the U.K.
We're not going forward, this is a retrograde step backwards to more than 3 decades ago.
Message for PM Brown,do the decent thing ,go to the queen,dissolve parliament,and allow the electorate to vote for what they want....As an unelected PM,for once show some integrity.
The national debt will double to 1.4 trillion pounds...yes that's right... and every child born now will owe £22,000,what a legacy to leave.

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