Friday, 19 February 2010


It's certainly been a while since I came back to this blog....very remiss of me and it really is something I should regularly have come back to,simply because of the times we are living in,it's strange and unsettling ,nothing like recessions we have encountered and weathered,in the past ,this is deeper, and you sense dark and destructive,add to that sheer frustration and helplessness,all down to the mood of the country with due cause of course,and our very important MPs(they tell us they're VIPs) who ignore us at every opportunity..And how embarrassing the PM doing an interview with Piers Morgan,that's the domain of airheads like Katie Price and her ilk,I couldn't watch it...Gordon Brown has many failings ,but his dourness,and perceived abruptness were him,such a pity he had to sell himself for a few votes.
My last blog stated the worse recession in 30 years ,let's clarify things this is the worst economic disaster since the 1930's....It is global but the present government did nothing to save in good times,in fact they've plundered the state purse,politicians have used and abused the trust of the electorate...No it's not only the expenses ,we've paid for their mortgages and lifestyles,my own MP spent £1,500 on wallpaper...that was just for 1 room,persian rugs,paintings,kitchens,food,and of course the mortgage for her 2nd home,but hers was nothing compared to those that have been flipping homes,phantom mortgages,cleaning of moats,duck houses all paid for by the gullible electorate.
Then of course there are the lies, and there are an abundance, from politicians of all persuasions..We were promised,categorically, by the present labour government,that we would have a vote on Europe,but they decided without permission from the electorate that they'd go ahead with it anyway,so that was it no vote ,no consultation,tough luck we know better than you..That's the attitude of our politicians,we the masses do not matter,and for a labour government they have certainly betrayed the working classes in the worst possible way,they've perpetuated the underclass,thrown benefits at them,taken away their aspirations,ghettoised them in tower blocks,and sink estates up and down the country.Education,vision,and responsibilty is the thing that lifts people out of where they are,and that is something that hasn't been encouraged which is shameful,why do young teenage girls see it as aspirational to become pregnant ,get a council flat and depend on benefits?Before some PC person screams "that's an urban myth",think again this is learned behaviour,this is the reality.We're left with a perpetuating cycle,and lifestyle,of benefits culture,sink estates and gang warfare,every MP should hang their heads in shame,all are culpable for the generations that are lost forever,you may not serve in the present government but you've all stood by and watched,and said absolutely nothing,how shameful is that?
Tony Blair was called to give evidence at the Iraq Enquiry,chaired by Sir John Chilcot...Blair is unrepentant even though WMDs were not imminent,he lied to the house and took our country to war,because he thought it was right,that man will have to look to his God and his conscience for what he has done,although someday I hope he is tried for war crimes,he is totally unrepentant for all those lives lost.
Nothing is done to safeguard our manufacturing ,I live a few hundred yards from Bournville Village Green ,and of course Cadbury's ,an extremely profitable company but it's been allowed to be taken over by Kraft,in a very aggressive manner,the hedge fund managers call the shots and government lets them,what happens to British jobs?And now Corus up North they have mothballed the steel works,they've precious little up there, and even less now,1500 jobs gone there,and that's just for starters,but it doesn't seem to matter ,anywhere out of London is ignored and dismissed.
There's an election looming,May 6th apparently,I look at the two main parties,first Labour,they've bankrupt the country,and used social engineering with Blair's deliberate immigration scheme,that we've only recently heard of,but it hasn't worked,instead we have a country that is full to overflowing,and a heavily dependant benefit population,and a legacy of broken promises...Now the Conservative's, David Cameron, the leader, but I still see no substance,only spin,I see a Blair clone,and that I couldn't stomach,the LibDems no offence but not a hope in hell,fence sitters ironically one politician I do trust is Vince Cable MP a lib dem.Unfortunately I don't see a potential leader from any party who has a vision for my country,who can inspire hope and a better future,we lurch from one disaster to the next.
This time round I have no idea,definitely not labour,it will probably be UKIP who gets my vote,I have to vote, women lost their lives, and sufferd imprisonment and indignity to ensure that women had the vote and a say.If politicians understand why I have to vote, then maybe they would understand the sight of women wearing burkhas makes me feel uncomfortable and ill at ease,it takes my gender back nearly a century,and that can't be healthy in a civilised society.
Yes I'm at a loss this time round but come the general election I shall be at the ballot box,correction if it's May 6th I shall be in Italy so postal vote for me.

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